CSAI 2023

On the Challenges and Enablers of Industrially Applicable Digital Twins

  • Stadtmann, Florian (NTNU)

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Digital twins are impacting many industries including but not limited to manufacturing, healthcare, meteorology, cities, transportation, and renewable energy. The difficulties of implementing digital twins can significantly vary between industries. Wind energy is an example of an industry where the realization of a digital twin is especially challenging. The successful industrial integration of digital twins for wind energy will not only contribute towards limiting greenhouse gas emissions through increased efficiency of wind energy but also enable the industrial integration of digital twins in many other industries that face a subset of the challenges in wind energy. Two industrial user cases have been selected to facilitate the industrial integration of digital twins – the onshore wind farm Bessakerfjellet and the floating offshore wind turbine Zefyros. By means of the two user cases, challenges are discussed and recommendations are given on how the challenges can be addressed, past and ongoing research work on these topics is presented, and the direction of future research is outlined. Throughout this process, tools such as physics-based, data-driven, and hybrid models as well as virtual and augmented reality are considered.